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Police and Courts are being trained to only look for signs of abuse on females and ignore whats being done to provoke the man

Police and Courts are being trained to only look for signs of abuse on females and ignore whats being done to provoke the man

Police and Courts are being trained to only look any signs of abuse on female partners and ignore false allegations and abuse of the male partner.

This is very dangerous, as many men are being falsely accused of serious crimes, and the police and courts are looking for something as little as one occurance of him raising his voice as a reason to label him abusive, regardless of the domestic abuse he is receiving from his partner. This label will also allow the police and courts to justify her false allegations as a way of protecting herself. However couples often have disagreements and it can not be fair to only criticise the male partner when this is done. Therefor it does not justify a false allegation made by the female partner.

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