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What family courts do to MEN is ABUSE!

What family courts do to MEN is ABUSE!

They significantly reduce the time they can see their own children. They then give the man a choice, either accept not being a part of your childrens lives or pay hundreds of thousands in solicitors fees in order to see them in the future and remain a small part of their lives. Why because they are male, many men have done nothing wrong, but this is the family court process.

They then line up obstacles:

  • Supervised contact for years, if child loses interest (often because of mothers brainwashing), then you can lose contact here.
  • Pay solicitors fees, there will be many court hearings, including when mother breeches court orders and she will likley be aided by legal aid to fund this, however the father will need to pay additional costs for these hearings from his own pocket
  • Father will be analysed by Cafcass (who usually favour the mother).
  • Father will usually be told to pay child maintenance also.
  • If father steps out of line just once, the court can use this as a reason to stop him seeing his children. This does not apply to mother who is often allowed to breech court orders with no more then a simple word from the judge to say this isn't good.
  • The list goes on....

What can men do to stop this abuse? There must be a solution!


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