The fathers love of his children will be used against him in family court
The current process is designed to rip the father out of the children's lives.
The father will be hardly involved in the children's lives until the long court process of the family court proceedings are concluded this is around 3 years long (It will be stretched out by the courts to ensure father pays enough money during this process). Court hearings will be re-scheduled with no explanation.
Father will need this time to save as much money as possible as it will cost hundreds of thousands and mother will usually have legal aid to support her.
The mother will almost always end up with the kids as even if the father takes the kids first i.e. to protect them from their mother, she can simply make an allegation of domestic abuse, sexual abuse or rape (with zero evidence) and the kids will again be returned to the mother, father however cannot do this. Another example of how the system is set up to help the mother always have an advantage. Sexist?